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worst band ever

picture this: we're all locked up in the studio, working on 'rope' day and night, when suddenly half the band has to leave to deal with unexpected shit, leaving just a trio behind. do we look like people who would sit down and cry? well, actually we do, but not this time. this time we worked for three days straight and came out the other side with 30 minutes of hard blasting shit, music that could have been published in 1992, so the kind of stuff we really enjoy and would listen to.

it's called '33', it's got no ties with any of our old albums, it's not in any series or any like that, it's a simple collection of songs for once. well, there's actually a song called 'pueblo' which was left out of the first 'rope' album when we decided to cut down the guitars on that album but that's pretty much it.

it'll be on bandcamp very soon, in the meantime you can enjoy the incredibly artistic front cover:

it doesn't look half bad as we do. we really are the worst band ever.


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