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get liminal
we've put so much stuff into 'liminal space' that we kind of felt the need to explain some of it. so here's a track-by-track for those of...

postcards from sumeria
'nin-an-ak' is finally out and you can buy your digital copy on our bandcamp page

truth might be told
hi everyone! (hi doctor nick!) been a while since we've written something here. honestly, is there really anyone reading the stuff on...

bloody roots
finally, 'blood at the root' is out on mandrone records! just a digital edition for now. we spent two fuckin years on this project and...

more devourment
after the unexpected world success of 'city islands' (two digital copies and a cassette sold, that's a record folks), we thought we could...

in case you didn't notice
yeah, we've been far away from here too long... again. sorry 90s fans who still look up to this page. in the meantime we published a mean...

someone still comes here to read our bullshit, that's pretty surprising. so here's some bullshit for you. we ain't gonna write this in...
alive (part 2)
hey, remember us? no? that's probably for the best. for those of you who still come to this place of sorrow and dust, know that we've...
almost there, still not here
something changed in the nature of 'paint a smile', in that we decided to cut out the whole 'proteus' thing and wrote a new 10 minutes...

smile (through your fear and sorrow)
what's that? is that a new album? am i reading right? is it a pfnz chapter??? yes, it is. pfnz vi: paint a smile 1. proteus asleep i 2....
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