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alive (part 2)

hey, remember us? no? that's probably for the best.

for those of you who still come to this place of sorrow and dust, know that we've completely sold our souls to the man and opened a whore-house facebook profile so you can be updated on everything we do (we usually go from dying to rotting).

we're planning some live gigs for the autumn/winter but this time it won't be a band show, oh no. one of us is going out on his own, looping and screaming and droning and blipping and blooping and everything that comes with it. yes, that means about an hour of sounds that will make your ears bleed, hopefully.

we published some rehearsals of this thing on our soundcloud page (, check them out and weep.

so, if we're playing in your area, be sure to be anywhere else that night so you don't have to witness this abomination.


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