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whatcha get on level five

once again, we were drifting off with no plans when one of us presented some ideas to make another fully electronic instrumental album. we're diving somewhat deeper into programming, sound modelling and generally creating weird sounds to have fun with. this time we got inspired by robots, a lot of robots, from futurama to star wars to futurama to voivod to anime to.... well futurama again. yes, we got a little boner for futurama, if you don't, you're wrong.

anyway, once again our great artist made drawings for the cover, once again we recorded it all with no outside input whatsoever. one might argue that if we got an external ear to work with we could get better. argue on, boys, argue on. we're listening, we just don't give a flying duck.

you can listen to one of the songs on our soundcloud page

here for you is the tracklist and the artwork for 'hell is other robots', soon on our bandcamp page. and if the machines rebel before that, you won't need the album anymore.


hell is other robots

1. the droids you are looking for (are hidden from view)

2. primitive killing technology

3. the robodevil suite:

i. robot hell: level five

ii.hell is other robots

iii.monolith, stereolith, necrolith in the robodevil's hands

v.par.tay: robodevil deals with it

4. lightfields (and giant robots)

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